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Sunday, June 2, 2024

On The Beat 5/20/20 - Huxford Clinic on Adapting to the Pandemic

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On The Beat 5/20/20 - Huxford Clinic on Adapting to the Pandemic
On The Beat 5/20/20 - Huxford Clinic on Adapting to the Pandemic

Dr. Huxford from Huxford Clinic joins us today to talk about how his business has been forced to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Welcome to on the beat, everyone, i'm troy thompson.

Joining me today is of course, the renowned dr. huxford from huxford clinic.

Welcome to the show, my friend, how are you?

Dr. huxford: i'm fine, troy.

It's very good to see you again.

Troy thompson: thank you.

So nice to see you as well.

Now, of course, we're doing a social distancing here from afar via our zoom interviews.

Before we get going, i do want to ask you, how are you and your family coping throughout this crisis?

Dr. huxford: we're doing very well, thank you.

Lots of family time for a wife and seven children, we're probably getting on our nerves a little more than normal.

Troy thompson: what are you doing to make sure that doesn't happen?

Tell everyone at home how you diffuse that type of situation?

Dr. huxford: i send them all outside and lock the door so they can't get back in.

Troy thompson: i understand.

More on a serious note, i want everyone to know, you have some great news.

You've actually moved premises, correct?

Dr. huxford: i moved across the street.

I had been in private practice in the hospital here in starkville, och regional medical center.

They have me back under their wing, which gives us a little farther reach, more opportunity.

It's been a good experience.

We transitioned on april 6th.

Troy thompson: well, that's wonderful news.

I'm looking forward to seeing your new premises.

I do want to touch on covid-19 if you wouldn't mind.

I do believe you're doing drive through testing, is that correct?

Dr. huxford: we are.

We've been doing that since the very beginning.

I think our first day was march 16th.

We've learned a lot throughout this.

We've tested, i think count yesterday, almost 800 people that we've tested.

A lot of experience with the severity of disease and percentages, it's been a big learning experience.

Troy thompson: may i ask you dr. huxford, there's a lot of conversation on in the news right now that we see every day.

How quickly are you getting your results after?

If i was to come in today, how soon do you see the results?

Dr. huxford: typically, the fridays take a little longer just because of the weekend, but monday through thursday, we have them back before lunch or around lunch the next day.

Not quite 24 hours.

Troy thompson: wow.

That's amazing.

I want everyone to know at home that it's easy to do.

Walk us through that process.

Dr. huxford: you just drive up, we have a... at the beginning, when we were testing lots and lots of people every day, it was a true drive through.

But now the numbers have come down a little bit, so you just pull up, there's a number to call, and then we gown up, come out to you, swab your nose, and then you're on the road again.

Troy thompson: now, this is part of insurance, correct?

Dr. huxford: yes it is.

Troy thompson: what happens if you don't have insurance?

Dr. huxford: the lab, we don't take up any money up front, we're no money.

The lab will deal with the individual.

If they don't have insurance, they will accept whatever the insurance pays and the patient is not billed for the balance.

Troy thompson: that's wonderful news.

We appreciate all that you're doing in the hospital there as well.

I do want to touch on people with sleep apnea right now, which is the field that you specialize in.

Are you doing any sleep testings at the moment at the hospital?

Dr. huxford: yes, it's opening back up a little bit.

There was a little dry period, but now that we're doing some screening, asking certain questions before you come in, we're opening that back up.

You can do home sleep studies or in-lab sleep studies.

Troy thompson: are you doing virtual consultations or are you seeing people actually coming through your front door?

Dr. huxford: it's up to the person.

We've been back in clinic now for a good two weeks.

The numbers are picking up.

I guess people are wanting to come outside a little bit.

But if you would rather a telemedicine visit, we do that as well.

Troy thompson: dr. huxford, what are you doing within the practice to make sure everyone's feeling comfortable about their health and safety when they're coming in?

Dr. huxford: we do check your temperature at the door and instead of waiting in the waiting room, you wait in your vehicle and then when you're up, you come straight in.

Troy thompson: well, that's wonderful.

We really do appreciate everything that you're doing, dr. huxford.

It's great to see you again.

Dr. huxford: thank you.

Troy thompson: if you want to find out more information, there it all is up on the screen.

Dr. huxford from huxford clinic.

We'll be back after this

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