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Sunday, June 2, 2024

What help is available for recent college graduates looking for a job during COVID-19

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What help is available for recent college graduates looking for a job during COVID-19
What help is available for recent college graduates looking for a job during COVID-19

Recent college graduates are entering a job market with fewer jobs available because of COVID-19.

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Recent college graduates are entering a job market with fewer positions because of advisors from local colleges are creating ways for students to get a job during the 55's jeremy masukevich shows us how.

Nat susanits week to week.

The companies just don't know what is going to happen next.

So i think that uncertainty is causing people to be hesitant to bring on a bunch of new employees.cindy verduce with indiana tech says recent college graduates will have to be creative in how they pitch themselves to companies hiring during the pandemic.nat cindy i have students who have gotten jobs who never had a face to face interview.lower third: cindy verduce, indiana tech career center director sot cindy for some people this is going to be a really tough situation.

And that's where we go back to our experience having helped students through these types of events.the indiana tech career center is offering virtual instruction to prepare students for remote interviews, and other speed bumps in the hiring process created by covid-19.

Instruction that helped one recent graduate find a job during the pandemic.sot brandon especially in this situation, you're not trying to be too overwhelmed.

Understanding that the company is going through the same process as you.

Burch says remotely navigating through the training that comes with a new position has been challenging..sot brandon its definitely not as easy as training in person having them work with you one on one and explaining things to you right there.many recent graduates who have yet to find a job have gotten frustrated.

But, verduce says students should not limit their options.sot cindy i have so many students in my class right now who all have said 'my job was cancelled.

I know i want a better job in the future.

I'm going to go back to school.'

Pursuing a graduate degree is one option susan byers with purdue fort wayne says learning how your skill set applies to a variety of jobs is another.nat susan look at those skills you have established and ask is there another industry you can get into temporarilyand that developing a network now will increase your odds of landing a job later.sot susan reaching out to people who have positions you would like in the future, doing some informational interviewing, getting to know people, build your network so that six months to a year from now you are going to be in a better place and have better connections that are going to make it that much easier to land a position that you want.

In fort wayne, jeremy masukevich, fox 55 news purdue fort

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