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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Book Author

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Book Author
Book Author
Book Author

>> now is the perfect time to add to your library and trans fort yourself, even though you're forced to stay home.

We're joined by author and isle of palms resident, who will be releasing her newest novel, on ocean boulevard.

And you're not on iop at the moment.

And where are you?

>> i miss isle p.

I always say the quality of light is so much better along the coast.

But i'm up in the mountains of tryon which has a different beauty.

And it's where i'm sheltering in place.

I was here when the prez declared shelter.

I went to my home on the island.

And she has been in quarantine there.

So we're all in different places.

>> everyone is stuck at home.

And this is a time of great creativity for artists and writers, and you're creative all year long, and with your book coming out, it's time for people stuck at home to sit and read.

Can you tell us more about ocean boulevard and how many novels this makes?

>> this is my 24th novel.

And it's the sixth book in the beach house series, which i do, because every time i have something to say about the shore or beach, i return to that series, and i'm so fortunate that so many people love this serious so much.

There are there are a lot of series out there, and this has been going on for 26 years.

I have to tell everyone who has not read my books, it's a stand-alone.

My job as an author is to make a whole, a beginning and an end and this is the story when i wrote it a year ago, i didn't realize it would be so timely.

A young woman, len a a.

The next generation, she returns from california.

And she broke up and her boyfriend and where do you go?

You go home to mom and dad, and a lot of young people are doing that today.

And kara the heroine, she's saying, oh, my god, i don't want white and a bridal gown, i'm 56 years old and it's my second marriage, but she's doing it because she loves him.

And then her daughter, five, gets the measles, and she catches the disease and everyone by surprise, and again, the illness disrupts the wedding and the family, and isn't that happening right now?

So i think what's really timely, you have the ups and downs, and the family coming together and the arguments, and also, the perseverance, the love and the commitment and the loyalty that gets them through this, and that is what i think we're all showing right now, families are coming together.

>> and i think it can inspire people to maybe have the patience and understand that they're not alone, that they're all going through the same thing right now.

It sounds like an absolutely fabulous book, and we have to take a break.

But when we come back, i want to tell everybody about the virtual launch coming up.

And >> welcome back, we have been chatting with mary allison rose, the critically acclaimed author of many novels, and the newest, on ocean boulevard.

The ocean and the beach are dear to her heart.

And sea life is something that we know you have a great respect and affinity for, and it lends itself well to where your virtual book launch is going to be held, and maybe can tell us about this.

>> i love the south carolina aquarium, and i've been on the board for eight, ten years, maybe longer and i was there with the founding of the sea turtle hospital.

And i was working with kelly when she was the manager there.

And i've been a turtle lady since 1999.

And i still am, it's my heart, so the iconic turt is near and dear to me.

And after all of these years, i've been connected to south carolina aquarium at so many levels so we did plan a big bash, which i was hoping you would come to, in may on ocean boulevard, and in this novel, the characters work with the aquarium, so you go into it, but i also came back to see turtles, and working with the sea turtles, and you're part of the team.

And i bring everyone to the beach to be with the turtles, so when the party was canceled, i had ordered all of these books, and i thought what can i do?

Because right now, the aquarium is in trouble.

They have an emergency relief fund, and all of the turtles are coming in.

And all of the animals are in the hospital n.

The aquariums, and they have to be fed, they have a skeleton crew, but they have no income.

And i thought what can i do?

And we had a virtual launch, and kelly when&i are going to take everybody to the hospital and we're going to have a talk.

I'm going to do a reading from my new book, and she's going to interview me on ocean of boulevard.

And i'm going to interview her.

Because the character creates a mesh bag for beach sweeps, and it's a bag that kelly created for the aquarium.

>> oh!

>> it's kelly's job, she's my adviser for all things conservation.

>> this is wednesday, may 1 13th?

>> wednesday, may 13th.

>> and it's facebook live.

If you make a $40 donation, what do you get?

>> this is my thank you.

For a $40 minimum donation, i give you my thank-you gift of a hardcover novel of on ocean boulevard.

And the aquariums give you a mesh bag, and you can pick up trash at your house or wherever, and it's a great bag, and a allf the money donated goes to the aquarium and the sea turtles and my bag is just a thank you.

>> and we just have a couple of seconds left.

Has this been a fruitful time for you?

What are you working on?

>> it has been a fruitful time, because at the end of on ocean boulevard, they're all positioned for the next generation, and i thought how can i not write about what's going on right now on our beaches and what we're going through?

It's not about virus, it's about families, so next summer, you'll see a continuation of beach house.

>> i can't wait.

Mary allison rose, thank you so much, and we'll share the information

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