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Global Edition
Saturday, June 1, 2024

Conservation Areas

Credit: KQTV
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Conservation Areas
Conservation Areas

We talk with TJ Peacher about the changes that the pandemic has caused with local conservation areas.


You can see over night lows in the 30s.


>> this weekend marks the second weekend of missouri turkey season and hunters more than willing to take on the challenge especially after being quarantined for the all the weeks.

In recent years, tagging a turkey has been tech friendly.

The question is what has changed amid the global pandemic.

Joining us is the outreach and education supervisor for northwest in kansas city and t.j.

From mushroom hunting to hikes, you have seen a lot of action.

>> a lot of people wanting to get out of the house.

We offer them that opportunity.

You can hang out at the conservation area.

>> what has changed for your department of conservation?

>> well, we have closed eight of our areas but our offices when we have a lot of people indoors.

We kind of put the cabash on that.

Our shooting ranges are shut down.

The nature centers we shut them down and the offices we shut down.

You can still reach us by phone.

We have lots of apps and find out what you need to know.

And all of our unmanned conversation areas are open.


>> okay.

So is there anything that people need to know as far as social distancing goes when they go out to the conservation areas?

I know the obvious would be try to stay six feet away from people.

>> yeah, yeah.

If you show up to a parking area and it's already full, odds are you're going to run into something when you get out of the car.

If the parking lot looks crowded, you will be in a crowded area.

If you're sick, if you have symptoms or symptoms at all, you might want to just stay home to keep everybody else safe and to keep you from getting any sicker too.

Want to bring your own soap and water and hand sanitizer.

We don't have that out there and we don't even have running water.

If you need to sanitize while you're out there, you might want to bring your own.

And then avoid the crowded places and keep your six foot distance.

Like the grocery store.

We have a better atmosphere.

>> another question is we talk about education on "live at five".

We always have someone come on and talk about the summer programs for kids.

What are you doing about that now?

Is there any virtual opportunities?

>> we are trying to get that nailed down right now.

Obviously we have had to cancel a lot of our programming and people are missing it.

We're trying to figure out ways to do something that would be you know pandemic friendly and still get our message out.

And be entertaining to people and be educational to kids.

We haven't done that yet.

Like i said, there are a lot of minds working and we're trying to get that nailed down.

>> tj, thanks for joining us tonight.

I know a lot of kids will be bringing birds home with their dads and moms with the second turkey season and hopefully everybody catches a good one.

>> or crappy or mushrooms. >> they are in hot demand.

Thank you so much.

Talk to you >> thank you very much.

>> all right.


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