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Saturday, June 1, 2024

How is COVID-19 impacting the mental health of your child?

Credit: WTHI
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How is COVID-19 impacting the mental health of your child?
How is COVID-19 impacting the mental health of your child?
How is COVID-19 impacting the mental health of your child?

Fight earlier that day.

The pandemic has taken a toll mentally on many people.

But how is it impacting young children?

Experts say a change in routine can cause anxiety..

And fear, for children.

They're not in school right now and it's a major adjustment being home all day.

Experts say it's important to talk to your children and be an outlet for them.

"it's important for people to talk to eachother, communicate and ask for assistance from friends, family, mental health system.

Wherever you need too, to try and prevent even bigger problems from occuring."

The harsha behavioral center is offering tele-health..

And other assesment services.

To learn more..

You can

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