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Sunday, June 2, 2024

COVID-19 and Children

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COVID-19 and Children
COVID-19 and Children
COVID-19 and Children

>> now that we've heard from the expert on how to get our sleep back on track, what should we do about the kiddos?

Our friend, author carol is showing us a way to put children to questioned with a positive mindset.

And thank you so much finish joining us and i'm so sorry that we didn't get to see you in the studio this year.

>> i know, but we decided to come home.

>> home is where again?

>> orange county, california.

>> and what we missed out on this year was your cross-country rv touring but we and get to catch up with you last year, in your fabulous motor vehicle home, and talk about the book that you came out with last year, and you've been working like crazy and what have you been working on lately.

>> okay, this year, i wrote a children's book with my then five-year-old granddaughter called the surprise circus, and it is a children's book about a little girl who, when the circus doesn't come to town, she takes action.

And she decides to call the ringmaster, and every week he sends her another package, and the package has the strong man, who lifts all of the furniture or he has the fire that burns down the house.

And then she decides she wants to be the ringmaster of that circus, but she didn't know if she can do it, if she has what it takes.

And then she learns, when we believe in ourselves, anything can happen.

>> and that is such a positive message for kids these days, because now stuck at home and climbing the was, and parents are trying to find ways to keep their kids busy, but this book, it opens up their mind to look inside themselves, it sounds like.

>> yeah, and as a matter of fact, her friend, who has to be less brown's grandson, he wrote the forward for the book, the great motivational speaker and he tells her, you have to find your greatness, and she realizes she's the best big sister.

But and at this time, children need -- i mean, their world is up ended and they don't know when it's going to end.

And is santa claus going to be able to come down the chimney?

They have no idea.

>> it's true, and you know what?

A lot of schools, i'm sure on the west coast as well, t the ot of the classroom for the rest of the year, and this is their normal right up to summertime.

But for sending kids off to bed, we're talking when making sure that people have a positive mindset and they're putting their health first during this time.

And why is it important to send a child off to sleep with this positive message?

Are you hearing anything about kids waking up the next morning and either being afraid or hearing too much of the news or being uncertain of what's going on?

Let's take your granddaughter for instance, how is she handling all of this?

>> well, we have 12 grandchildren.

>> i didn't know you had so many, you don't have time to get to all of them.

But how have they been dealing with this?

>> what i'm saying, children are so stressed out and their routines are gone, their community is gone, and when we have stress, we tend to have more nightmares, and the way to address this or to try to mitigate this is by first of all bedtime stories, for three reasons.

Gives them a routine, and they have something that's no longer interrupted as before.

And then reading has a calming effect.

Even on cuts.

It just calms us down.

It's the transition from the day to the night.

And also hearing the parent's voice is shooting.

So this -- and by the way, children who are read to three times a week do 25% better in school when they're read to.

Because it makes them a lover of reading.

>> we need to take a break, but when we come back, i >> we're back with dr. carol sola way, and we're talking when her book, the surprise circus, and reading touched, we have heard that there are such good reasons you can do this.

You can mitigate trouble sleeping and the sound of the parent's voice is soothing and you want to put them in a good book, and if it's not the surprise circus, what would you recommend for other good reading?

>> i would say at this time, you should pick a book that will make your child giggle, because laughing is so important.

I mean children laugh 300 times a day.

And they're losing that in school.

So the other thing for this time is one that's rep be thank you.

That rhymes.

Because we want to get them to be comfortable, we want to sooth them.

And the other is fabulous illustrations, beautiful be pictures, and pictures of people doing good things.

Definitelyern a negative story, and notters and not at this time.

>> that's great advice, fabulous advice, and real quick, where can people find your books?

>> my book is in barnes and noble and amazon and it was an international bestseller.

>> wonderful, and you can download it on the kindle if you don't have the chance to read the book itself, you can always download it.

And it's wonderful and great to see you.

>> good seeing you.

Thank you so much.

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