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Saturday, June 1, 2024

reaction to reopening May 11 LL pkg

Credit: WTVQ Lexington, KY
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reaction to reopening May 11 LL pkg
reaction to reopening May 11 LL pkg
reaction to reopening May 11 LL pkg

To the silent majority across kentucky...some people have wanted the state to open back up for business for quite some time.

Abc 36's monica harkins got a mixed reaction at the grocery store to the easing of restrictions next month.

13 sec kentuckians have been waiting on a date that we can expect some more things to re-open and for our lives to have a little bit more 'normalcy.'

That date's been set, but some guidelines will still be in place like wearing masks when you go out into public."

2 sec "donna: i'm careful and cautious."

While some people like donna handel, feel relaxing guidelines starting may 11th is going to be okay.

Others, like matthew kenney, aren't as sure and hope people don't take advantage of the relaxed regulations.

10 sec "matthew: i just hope that it's handled responsibly.

I feel like it'd be better to have multiple weeks of decrease like he intially said several days ago."

And, then there's brandon cooke.

7 sec "brandon: a little glad that some things will re-open because it's been, kinda you know, really boring with a lot of things being closed, but it seems a little early honestly."

Although he can't patrol all kentuckians - the governor says by may 11-th everyone who leaves their house needs to wear a mask.

3 sec "matthew: it's a good idea, it's a good precautionary measure," yet, masks are hard to come by.

3 sec "brandon: it's going to be hard to get ahold of masks if everyone's trying to buy them."

Handel says in these next few weeks it's going to be about balance.

4 sec "so we need to be careful that we don't over do it, being over cautious."

But she'll be wearing her mask to be safe.

12 sec "monica: the governor does warn however, if we start to see a surge in numbers, we could be taking a couple steps backward, to make sure we're keeping kentuckians safe.

In lexington, monica harkins, abc 36 news."

The governor

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