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Monday, June 3, 2024

CityBus employee urges company to make stricter social distancing guidelines

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CityBus employee urges company to make stricter social distancing guidelines
CityBus employee urges company to make stricter social distancing guidelines

A CityBus driver is being very vocal in his complaints about what he says is the conpany's lack of social distancing guidelines.

So far, CityBus has not responded.

Lack of social distancing guidelines.

So far, citybus has not responded.

News 18's marvin bills joins us live near citybus with the story.


Jeff i spent the afternoon talking to donn brown about his frustrations with citybus.

He is hoping to have better protections for himself and passengers.

He told me he has talked to management about the lack of safety but also laid it out in a series of youtube videos.

Nat pop: "so the inside of our bus is about 8ft wide and 35ft long.

And it's really a confined space."

Transit operator donn brown is doing everything he can as a city bus driver to practice social distancing and he needs some help from his employer to do so.

But he says there hasn't been a whole of progress on that front.

"if they did much less then they pretty much would have done nothing."

Brown has worked for citybus more than ten years.

Like many drivers, he's trying to minimize close contact with people who use public transportation by cordoning off seats on his bus.

"my main concern is that we are not doing everything at our disposal to in our little corner of the world to help get this over with."

He's tried passing along his suggestions to management but to no avail.

So he took it a step further, posting several videos on youtube to get their attention.

He says he's risking his job to spread an important message to not only keep his family safe but the community too.

"i'm on the front line.

Me and my co- workers, we have hundreds of people a day on our buses.

We're on the frontlines we don't get hazard pay.

You know we are out there doing our jobs because we have a work ethic and we are committed to our job and to the community."

Brown is trying to follow suit with other cities who are doing things like decreasing their routes to essential trips only.

But he says right now several of his passengers on the bus are joy riding and it's hard to practice social distancing if people are sitting in close quarters.

"unless they need to get to a doctor's appointment or the grocery store or to get some medication.

Those are essential trips.going to your sister's house for a barbecue isn't."

I reached out to city bus this afternoon hoping for a comment but did not hear back.

Brown says he plans to send his youtube videos to several local and state government officials.

He also noted that he spoke with the general manager of city bus earlier today.

They are planning to have a meeting tomorrow about this issue.

In lafayette, marvin bills news 18.


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