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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sanitizing Grocery Stores

Credit: KIMT
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Sanitizing Grocery Stores
Sanitizing Grocery Stores

With everyone on heightened alert due to the coronavirus pandemic, it may be good to know what shops are doing to keep you safe.

Sanitize store-stinger-2 grocery stores remain open providing people with food.

With everyone on heightened alert due to the coronavirus pandemic, it may be good to know what shops are doing to keep you safe.

Kimt news three's calyn thompson joins us live from the people's food co-op to explain how employees are working overtime to help keep you healthy.

Live sanitize store-live vo-2 katie - this store hours sign says people's food co-op is open from 8 in the morning to 8 at night.

But employees are here long before and after to do extra cleaning and re-stock the shelves.

Sanitize store-vo-1 lowerthird2line coronavirus:santizing grocery stores rochester, mn facilities manager tom borell tells me it's a lot more work.

They clean baskets after every use... sanitize carts every couple hours... and wipe down high-touch areas every few hours.

Some of those areas include countertops - door handles - and pin pads.

This is in addition to putting gloves - wipes - and hand sanitizer by the door.

They also put lines on the ground - both to mark social distancing and direct people which way to go in the aisles.

This should provide you a little relief-i'm told the 90 people who work here have definitely stepped up during this sanitize store-sot-1 lowerthird2line coronavirus:tom borell facilities manager, people's food co-op we've had some that actually started just before this all went down.

And they've jumped right in and helped out with everyone else.

We've been very proud of our team, they've been a great group.

Sanitize store-live sot-3 major retailers like target and walmart are limiting how many shoppers can be in a store at a time.

I'm told people's food co-op has discussed the measure - but it's not one they're doing yet.

Live in rochester- calyn thompson-kimt news 3.

/ shoppers are encouraged to not spend a lot of time browsing... minimize the number of people shopping with you... and to utilize curb- side pick-up if needed.

/ jes-stinger-2

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