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Global Edition
Sunday, June 2, 2024

Spotlight Music Series Performance

Credit: WTAT
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Spotlight Music Series Performance
Spotlight Music Series Performance
Spotlight Music Series Performance

>> on this week's it spotlight music series, we want to welcome back a friend and musical talent, kevin church, who has been making the most of his sequester, and thank you for join us and how have you been handling all of this?

>> thanks for having me on the show, i really appreciate it, and i've been handling it quite well.

And luckily, i made a lot of money during the saint patrick's day week, and i was able back with letting it go.

So things are going well in that regard, and i have enough to survive.

But all of my gigs are capped.

>> hue many gigs is that?

>> i was doing five to six a week.

And i was making, not to toot my own horn, by went from making $1,000 a week to nothing.

>> that's a huge chunk of nothing that you need to pay bills, and yours is one of the hardest-hit industries besides the hospitality industy, but yours, with the ability to gather around in large groups of people and performing at bars and restaurants, you got nothing, so what have you been doing to keep yourself busy and sign through all of this.

>> i appreciate you asking, and actually a lot of recording us like just sitting at home, mapping out new songs and mapping out rewrites, and i've been playing out so much, and i'm resting my voice, which is nice to give back.

That's a good thing, and it feels good.

But also, i have maybe enough to make it through a month, so i'm being very optimistic about everything, but i do feel like once that month is over, where will i be at with my thought process?

But i'll have a lot of songs record sod that's good.

>> i hear that you've also been teaching.

>> i've been teaching and i want to thank black tie music academy for that.

I only lost one student out of group that i have, and that's a supplemental income that has been good to me, and those guys have gun great and everybody on the staff is great.

They do amazing work, and we're teaching lessons online just like we're doing this video conference now.

It's pretty nice just to walk in here and do the lesson and walk right back out.

>> that's a positive side to working at home.

And headlights giving you the opportunity for new collaborations and working on music and writing songs, so have you been doing all of that.

>> i have, and i'm working with chris dolled son and johnny mcdonald.

Johnny and i have written songs together.

And he asked me to help finish some, and we were really working together.

And it was coming together well, and then chris said well, you know johnny is working on a project with me and they talked together and said kevin, come join us and now we're doing this group called brother's promise, and we'll have a release out, an ep in the summer, and we should have it done.

>> hopefully by that time, we'll all be outside and back to normal somewhat.

>> exactly.

>> kevin, is this time duran inspirational opportunity?

Is being holed up in your home inspiring you to write music or is it giving you that confined space that only allows you to focus on one thing?

>> you have to think about t if you want to dwell on how bad it is, go dwell on it, and if you want to doing?

, do something that will give you a return later.

So i'm looking at it as an opportunity to get in here and knock out some music so its done, and all of that time that i wish i had to work on it, because i was working so much.

[ audio difficulties ] and the reasoning, i just want to take a break from all of that for a moment while i get these things recorded and then i would love to do a live show for my fans and everything.

I don't want to oversaturate doing that.

I feel like the people that are going to support you will, and if you do it too much, i feel like they're not going to give to you every time, you know?

>> that is true.

But we do have a treat for our viewers, and you're going to be performing for us.

>> absolutely.

>> so coming [ music ] [ music

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