Judge Issues Eight-Page Burn To DoorDash In Arbitration Dispute
Judge Issues Eight-Page Burn To DoorDash In Arbitration Dispute

US District Judge William Alsup is currently presiding over a case brought by 5,879 DoorDash workers.

They allege that they’ve been misclassified as independent contractors, and DoorDash is fighting back.

But Judge Alsup isn't having it.

Yesterday, Alsup ordered DoorDash to immediately commence arbitration with 5,010 of the petitioners.

According to Gizmodo, the order was accompanied by a masterful eight-page burn.

This hypocrisy will not be blessed, at least by this order.

Honorable US District Judge William Alsup Alsup has also stuck up for DACA, and boohooed Uber.

He's also ordered PG&E directors to personally tour a devastated town after their shoddy electrical system caused wildfires.