California 1st with law protecting children's online privacy

California 1st with law protecting children's online privacy


SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California will be the first state to require online companies to put kids' safety first by barring them from profiling children or using personal information in ways that could harm children physically or mentally, Gov. Gavin Newsom said Thursday.

“We’re taking aggressive action in California to protect the health and wellbeing of our kids,” Newsom said in a statement announcing that he had signed the bill. He noted that as a father of four, “I’m familiar with the real issues our children are experiencing online.”

The bill requires tech companies that provide online services attractive to children to follow age-appropriate design code principles aimed at keeping children safe. Companies will eventually have to submit a “data protection impact assessment” to the state's attorney general before offering new online services, products, or features attractive to children.

Facebook parent company Meta said it has concerns about some of law's provisions but shares lawmakers' goal of keeping children safe online.

“We believe young people should have consistent protections across all apps and online services they use, which is why we support clear industry standards in this area,” the social media giant said. It called the law "an important development towards establishing these standards.”

The bill is modeled after a similar measure in the United Kingdom. In the year since that law took effect, some of the U.S.'s most valuable technology companies “have begun to redesign their products in children's best interests,” said Democratic Assemblymember Buffy Wicks, a co-author of the law.

“Now we can ensure they do the same for California youth — and hopefully young people across the country,” Wicks said.

The law was opposed by a coalition including the...

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