Today’s best game deals: God of War $8, Psychonauts $1, Yooka-Laylee 2 $7.50, more

Today’s best game deals: God of War $8, Psychonauts $1, Yooka-Laylee 2 $7.50, more



In today’s best game deals, Sony is now offering God of War in digital form via PSN for *$9.99*. And PlayStation Plus members can score it for *$7.99 *right now. Regularly $20 these days, and currently fetching around $18 at Amazon, this is at least 50% of the going rate and a great time to add it to your library if you haven’t already. The most recent reboot in the storied franchise takes Kratos to “unfamiliar lands” as he and his son “venture into the brutal Norse wilds and fight to fulfill a deeply personal quest.” Head below for the rest of today’s notable game deals including Psychonauts, The Witcher 3, Blasphemous, Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair, Cuphead, Luigi’s Mansion 3, and much more. 


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