Etekcity’s HealthKit-enabled smart scale drops to new Amazon low at $17

Etekcity’s HealthKit-enabled smart scale drops to new Amazon low at $17



Amazon is offering the Etekcity HealthKit Smart Body Scale for *$16.99 Prime shipped*. Today’s deal saves you 15% and marks a new all-time low that we’ve tracked. If you’re wanting to keep the holiday pounds off, the best way is to keep track of your body’s data. This scale measures not only weight, but also BMI, body fat, water content, and much more. You’ll find that it connects to your smartphone via Bluetooth and ties into Apple Health via HealthKit, Google Fit, or Fitbit for easy tracking. Plus, the large LCD makes it simple to read your weight and other info at a glance. Rated 4.6/5 stars.


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