Ukrainian Catholic leader deplores Russian atrocities, renews call for papal visit (Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church)

Ukrainian Catholic leader deplores Russian atrocities, renews call for papal visit (Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church)

Catholic Culture


Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk, the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, decried atrocities committed by Russian soldiers in Ukraine.

“My heart aches at the very possibility of seeing the Russian army taking the looted property out of Ukraine with whole trucks loaded,” he said on April 4. “This is the property of the innocent victims, whom the enemy wanted to wipe out of existence.”

“Yet, Ukraine is standing,” he added. “Even more, Ukrainian people are gaining an astonishing internal strength to defend their homeland.”

The prelate also renewed his call for a papal visit to Ukraine. “We would like him to come to Ukraine as soon as possible,” Shevchuk said.

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