Founder Karen Hanlon Launches Soul Care™ Art Therapy Experience to Help People Heal and Create

Founder Karen Hanlon Launches Soul Care™ Art Therapy Experience to Help People Heal and Create



Through the healing powers of art, meditation and journaling, Soul Care™ helps individuals relax, unleash their creativity, or work through challengesKaren recently featured on syndicated health and wellness show Bloom TV

TAMPA, Fla., March 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Painting Your Soul, the brainchild of founder Karen Hanlon, announced the launch of its latest product, Soul Care™. The immersive experience housed within the Soul Care™ product is designed to help individuals relax, unleash their creativity, or work through challenging times in their life. Soul Care™ brings clarity, peace, and hope to people's lives. It helps them pave a path toward the future and equips them with skills to recognize the beauty within themselves and life itself.

Karen Hanlon, a Certified Art Therapy Practitioner and creator of Soul Care™, developed the experience during a challenging transition in her life. As an artist and a teacher, Karen knew she needed a constructive outlet to express herself. Turning to art, meditation, journaling, and the healing powers of the ocean, Karen harnessed these mediums to create this impactful experience.

Karen has used Soul Care™ to help clients restore their creativity and their authentic inner strengths, and guide them through difficult periods of their life so they can thrive both personally and professionally. Karen leads Soul Care™ sessions for individuals and groups.

“Whether we consider ourselves an artist or not, we were all designed to create. Soul Care™ engages the senses and ignites our creativity, allowing us to release what cannot be put into words,” said Hanlon. “It’s like an emotional first aid kit that takes users on a personal journey of self-reflection, self-love, healing, and expressiveness, giving them the tools to expand on this experience every day of their life.”

The Soul Care™ experience starts with a signature box carefully curated by Karen. Users are walked through the process step by step, starting with setting up their painting space and moving into journaling, soothing meditation, and painting.

One couple who experienced Soul Care™, Joey and Kate, said, "We had no idea what to expect. We’ve done other painting workshops for fun, but this is WAY different. The setup process leading into the meditation music and guidance allowed us to really get into a comfortable place to start painting without restriction. It was amazing to feel free to express our inner selves and see it reflected on the canvas. Now we highly recommend Painting Your Soul to everyone.”

Tampa Bay’s global health and wellness show Bloom (WFLA Channel 8), part of the DBTV network seen in more than 300 million households worldwide, recently featured Karen Hanlon in a March 22 segment with host Gayle Guyardo. Watch the Bloom segment here.

Soul Care™ is available to purchase as a single box, and it can be packaged for a friend, for recovery groups, therapy sessions, medical facilities, or families. To order a Soul Care™ box, visit


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