In Time For Easter 2023 - The Grand Opening, Dedication And Celebration of The Third Pentecost Azusa Street Prayer Tower and Ministry Center

In Time For Easter 2023 - The Grand Opening, Dedication And Celebration of The Third Pentecost Azusa Street Prayer Tower and Ministry Center



Santa Clarita, March 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Santa Clarita, California -

Los Angeles, Ca. Promeza M.G. announces the grand opening, dedication and celebration of The Third Pentecost Azusa Street Prayer Tower and ministry center. This celebration will take place on April 14th-15th 2023 at the corner of Azuza and San Pedro St. The exact address is 200 S. San Pedro St. Los Angeles, Ca.

This dedication is programmed to be multicultural and multilingual as representatives from different Christian denominations and ethnic backgrounds will participate and address their community in their native tongue. This site was chosen as the permanent home for this ministry center as it is located approximately 120 feet from the historic site where William J. Seymour preached, and the Azusa Street revival emerged 116 years ago in April 1906.

This Prayer Tower is built to transcend Christian denominations, language, and international borders. Guided by the leadership of Indonesian pastor Dr. Niko Njotorahardjo, and California church leader Pastor Sean O’Neal, a long-vacant office floor has been transformed into 4,000 square feet of space dedicated to Global Prayer for all cultures, generations, and people.

“We are envisioning this being a place where, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, prayer will happen,” Dr. O’Neal said. “We believe this place will be part of the catalyst of people praying everywhere, and that a new revival will come to Los Angeles, the United States and to the world. I invite you to partner with us as we re-dig wells that have been covered up, stoke the fire and pray, ‘God, send your Holy Spirit again.’”

Global Pentecostal leaders from around the world are expected to gather for two days of multicultural worship, teaching and prayer. “We are believing God for the greatest move of His Spirit that we have ever seen, the third Pentecost,” Dr. Njotorahardjo said.

“We are pleased to partner wit this event,” stated Betty Meza, Marketing director Promeza MG. “This event is programmed as a free event and accessible to anyone who wishes to join us. There will be no cost to attend.”

There is limited seating and because of this, reservations are required. You can obtain your free entry for the Spanish presentation by visiting: There you will be able to get your free tickets which will be downloadable and emailed to you. Please note that this link is only for the Spanish presentation. For information on all other languages including English, please visit:


For more information about Promeza MG, contact the company here:

Promeza MG
Betty Meza
27240 Turnberry Ln, Ste 200, Valencia, CA 91355

CONTACT: Betty Meza

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