Sums of 2,684 cubic meters of mucilage to be gathered in Turkey

Sums of 2,684 cubic meters of mucilage to be gathered in Turkey


(MENAFN)According to the environment and urbanization minister, Turkish teams gathered sums of 2,684 cubic meters (94,784 cubic feet) of mucilage from the Sea of Marmara in the previous week. Murat Kurum to publish newest updates on the labors to remove mucilage, continuing processes are developing and that the gathered mucilage has been sent for removal. Most of the mucilage has been removed in the northwestern Yalova province, Istanbul, and western province of Balikesir. Kurum added �In 1,438 inspections we conducted as of June 14, we imposed an administrative fine of 7.55 million Turkish liras (USD881,239) on businesses that did not fulfill the necessary conditions.�

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