Families suing over 2021 jet fuel leak into Navy drinking water in Hawaii seek $225K to $1.25M

Families suing over 2021 jet fuel leak into Navy drinking water in Hawaii seek $225K to $1.25M



A lawyer representing U.S. military families suing over a 2021 jet fuel leak into a Navy drinking water system in Hawaii is asking a judge to award plaintiffs a range of about $225,000 to about $1.25 million each in damages. Kristina Baehr is an attorney for 17 relatives of military members representing more than 7,500 others, including service members, in three federal lawsuits. The outcome of this first trial could help determine damages awarded to the others. It's not clear when a judge will issue a ruling. The U.S. government has accepted liability but disputes whether the plaintiffs were exposed to jet fuel at levels high enough to cause health effects, ranging from vomiting to rashes.

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