Asia Today: Philippines sees traffic jams as lockdown eases

Asia Today: Philippines sees traffic jams as lockdown eases


BANGKOK (AP) — Traffic jams and crowds of commuters returned to the Philippine capital on Monday, as the metropolis relaxed antivirus measures in a high-stakes gamble to slowly reopen the economy while fighting the coronavirus pandemic.

Commuter trains, taxis, ride-sharing cars, special shuttle buses and motorcycles rumbled back on the road in metropolitan Manila but were only allowed to carry a fraction of their capacity as a safeguard.

Public transport was still limited by the relaxed rules and many commuters waited for hours to get a ride despite the government's deployment of buses.

A larger swarm of private cars also helped choke roads.

“Many people are now allowed to go out and many industries are reopening so you’ll see a lot of vehicles ... but the situation remains abnormal,” said police Lt. Gen. Guillermo Eleazar.

He warned that police will still go after violators who would not wear face masks and observe physical distancing.

Classes remain suspended for the next two weeks. Barber shops and beauty salons can open next week at a third of their capacity.

The Philippines remains a Southeast Asian hot spot for COVID-19, with more than 18,000 infections and 957 deaths.

In other developments in the Asia-Pacific region:

— INDIA EASES AS DEATHS CLIMB: India registered 230 coronavirus deaths in the last 24 hours, bringing its total to 5,394 as the country’s phased plan to ease its lockdown kicked in from Monday. Authorities are moving forward with the easing even as experts say India is nowhere close to the peak of the outbreak. Railways will run 200 more special passenger trains from Monday and some states have reopened their borders, allowing vehicular traffic. Maharashtra, the worse hit state, has allowed shops and offices to open outside containment...

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