Public Body's 'Ask Me Later' Is A Rattling Display Of "Unprocessed Bitterness"



It's a post-punk annihilation of the jobs market...

*Public Body* have spent years trying to find the balance between work and art.

That's a long time spent working through terrible jobs, eking out a living between rehearsal room fees and unfulfilling overtime.

New single 'Ask Me Later' finds the post-punk group questioning the whole experience, pondering the validity of life on a lower wage rung.

The rattling percussive tick allies itself to some scorched guitar lines, while the probing vocal ends with the chirruping chant: "How much do they pay you for that...?"

Produced by the band’s guitarist Theo Verney, it's a fantastic return, one that pushes Public Body to new levels of intensity.

Theo Verney explains...

"Labour-oppressive wellness initiatives; mechanic lubricants. Half a decade of unprocessed bitterness, constricted by social norms as corporate structures. The Program fails through successive firmware updates while, in the background, slideshow graphics show that rage tends towards infinity."

"The face of a destabilised workforce in a society that secretes symbolic concessions as a defence reflex against meaningful change. Your positive attitude is keeping us all in line."

Tune in now.

Public Body · Ask Me Later

Photo Credit: *Chiara Gambuto*

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