Apple's block of Xcloud & Stadia game streaming apps is at best consumer-hostile

Apple's block of Xcloud & Stadia game streaming apps is at best consumer-hostile



Apple's policies have effectively spiked an entire category of gaming apps that are no different from a security, technical, or content review standpoint than controlling a Netflix movie with a game controller.

Microsoft's Xcloud and Google's Stadia are game streaming platforms, coming soon to non-Apple platforms. With both services, instead of a game's code running on the device, the game code is run on a server farm to a user's device, with only H.265 video streaming to the user's device, and the user's inputs sent back to the game's servers across the Internet.The concept has been tried for a few years, but has only started to get real traction. The concept allows graphically demanding games to be hosted and processed elsewhere, and run on much lesser hardware that would ordinarily be needed.


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