The Lullaby of Life Review (PC)

The Lullaby of Life Review (PC)



My character might be a primordial particle or, possibly, the very essence of all life. The creature is blue, with a triangle body topped by two very expressive eyes. More importantly, three buttons sit on its belly and each of them makes a distinctive sound and emits a brightly colored light wave. This primordial being has also convinced three four buddies to party up, each with its own associated color and sound wave. The group looks like protagonists of a cartoon series for young kids, but they have combined musical powers that hold the key to puzzle solving. We’ve successfully opened gates by pushing locking symbols from side to side, to then unlock them by emitting the required sound. We’ve also found other characters hidden in secret areas, which required a little more musical and movement coordination. The current puzzle will probably help ignite the first sun, powering it up while breaking through a casing that holds back its light. My particle and its comp...

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