'Trump's One Saving Grace is That He Makes People Laugh': Kuznick

'Trump's One Saving Grace is That He Makes People Laugh': Kuznick



'Trump's One Saving Grace is That He Makes People Laugh': Kuznick     "People look at the U.S. as a failed state led by a clown, and either laugh at American citizens or pity them," regrets the American Historian Peter Kuznick, in another exclusive conversation with Pravda.ru, as the new coronavirus is spreading more and more in the United States, leaving a death toll not seen even in times of US wars. "At least the notion of 'American exceptionalism' has finally been put to rest," points out the director of the Institute for Nuclear Studies at American University, in Washington D.C., as he scares the fact that his country leads the number of infections and deaths due to COVID-19, the worldwide epicenter of the pandemic since March 26. "That's not the kind of exceptionalism anyone wanted or imagined possible." Up to May 21, the number of those infected in the US were 1,601,393, and now over 100,000 deaths since the first case of infection was found in the North American country, last 20 January. Meanwhile, President Donald Trump pressures for lifting the lockdown instead of focusing on increasing tests, which are dramatically insufficient, and providing more medical supplies like respirators and ventilators which are scarce at the center of global capitalism, as well as even face masks and tests. According to Doctor Kuznick, the scarcity is due to the fact that capitalists profit exactly from it, not having surplus products or capacities. "They don't plan for crises or disasters when, if necessary, they have extra stocks and supplies." Nothing could best illustrate the capitalist system, like recent Ricardo Barros's words, former Brazil's Minister of Health: "Hospitals are almost breaking [in Brazil]. They have lost their normal movement, from elective surgery, traffic accidents fell a lot, which was a reason for hospital billing. We're breaking our entire hospital system financially because they can't do their normal work, and also have no COVID clients to occupy the beds."

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